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English translation for "一不贪贿二不枉法"

neither take bribes nor break the law

Related Translations:
贪贿:  practise graft; take bribes
贪贿枉法:  receive a bribe and distort the law; embezzle money and break the law; take bribes and pervert the laws
枉法:  pervert the law 短语和例子贪赃枉法 take bribes and pervert the law
贪贿害民:  injure the people and squeeze money
贪贿无艺:  take bribes insatiably; know no bounds in graft and bribery; set oneself no bounds to graft and bribery
徇私枉法:  take bribes in order to turn a verdict in sb.'s favour; act with partiality and defeat the ends of justice; bend the law for the benefit of relatives [friends]; tailor the law to suit one'
纳贿枉法:  take bribes and break the law
因私枉法:  flout [break] the law for private considerations
枉法从私:  bend the law to suit private interest
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