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English translation for "一世纪"

1st century

Related Translations:
世纪飞扬:  centifly
世纪媒体:  century media
世纪报:  century theel sigloil secoloo seculosecolo ilseculo osiglo elsiglo, el
新世纪:  nava yugayaneon genesis evangelionnew agenew century thenew eranew millenniumnewagenieuwe eeuwveac nouyeni cag
舞动世纪:  the company
十一世纪:  11th century
金世纪:  mr-21
东莞世纪:  rar
四世纪:  4th century
世纪虹:  century rainbow
Example Sentences:
1.He'd lost everything he'd saved in a quarter of a century .
2.The century ended with his final struggle and defeat by an industrial society .
3.Would you be surprised if i told you there was a recorded case in california over a century ago ?
4.That day a quarter of a century later when i visited him on the plantationhe was standing against the sky .
5.What governments and their people do today to influence our demographic future will set the terms for development strategy well into the next century .
6.She recognized the colossal indifference of nature, not hostile, even kindly and friendly, so long as the human ant-swarm was submissive, working with it, hurrying along at its side in the mysterious march of the centuries .
7.The paper is made in china at ac one century
8.Joseph the worker , first century , dates uncertain
9.Viral strains causing pandemics in the last century
10.Health promotion day - " keys for better health
跑出廿一世纪健康人生路- -健康推广日
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