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English translation for "一个不剩"

there is no one left

Related Translations:
秀剩:  hidemasu
剩货:  surplus goods
剩女:  spinster
不剩:  off
剩药:  unfired explosive
剩菜:  leftoverort
剩菜剩饭:  leftovers
剩馀的:  residualthe rest of
剩馀数:  remain
剩茶钵:  waste bowl
Example Sentences:
1.When the last of them had disappeared, i quitted my refuge and uncovered the captain in snow .
2.You said we was gonna kill them all
3.At last the jedi are no more
4.That comes to take them
5.That comes to take them
6.Nor , of those who had been there when this visitor entered , was there one left . they had all dropped off
7.At length they came up to the boat ; but tis impossible to express their confusion , when they found the boat fast a - ground in the creek , the tide ebb d out , and their two men gone we could hear them call to one another in a most lamentable manner , telling one another , they were gotten into an inchanted island ; that either there were inhabitants in it , and they should all be murther d , or else there were devils and spirits in it , and they should be all carry d away , and devour d
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