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English translation for "一个原告"


Related Translations:
原告:  [法律]1.(民事的) plaintiff; complainant; demandant: a先生作原告的辩护人, b先生作被告的辩护人。 mr. a was counsel for the plaintiff, and mr. b for the defendant.2.(刑事的) prosecutor; accuser 短语和例子原告控告被告犯有欺诈罪。 the pr
民事原告:  civil plaintiff
共同原告:  joint plaintiff
善意原告:  bona fide claimant
原告自诉:  plaintiff sues in person
指名原告:  named plaintiffs the originators of a class action suit
女原告:  feme plaintiff
原告辩护律师:  counsel for the prosecution
原告反驳:  rebutmentrebuttal
讯问原告:  interrogation of a indictor
Example Sentences:
1.Where the plaintiff shows a probable case that an act constituting an infringement takes place and it can reasonably be assumed that the defendant , through the continuation of the act , diminishes the value of the exclusive right in the plant variety , the court may issue an injunction , upon penalty of a fine , for the time until the case has been finally adjudicated or otherwise is decided
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