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English translation for "一个怪人"

enfants terribles, les;strange ones
les enfants terribles

Related Translations:
怪人:  eccentric; a peculiar person; a strange person; crank; aberrant; oddity; sphinx; character; prodigy
黑夜怪人:  the black one
怪人帮:  circle jerks thecircle jerks,the
钟楼怪人:  hunchback of notre dame,thethe hunchback of notre dame
情场怪人:  an odd manservant
怪人集团:  freaked
科学怪人:  frankenstein
密室怪人:  monster of the secret chamber
怪人怪事:  a mad world of fools
怪人的:  kookiekooky
Example Sentences:
1.He is quite a character .
2.When she took a look at me she thought i was a kind of odd ball .
3.Such a one there lived in philadelphia; a person of note, an elderly man, with a wise look and a very grave manner of speaking .
4.Whose leader is an eccentric , to say the least
5.Whose leader is an eccentric , to say the least
6.Every family has at least one kook
7.John ' s a queer fish ; he nearly always wears odd socks
8.A jerk who says he can ' t dance after getting into the circle
9.- what ' s she like ? - she ' s a freak
-她人怎么样? -一个怪人
10.What ' s she like ? - she ' s a freak
她人怎么样? -一个怪人
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