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English translation for "一代的"


Related Translations:
一代:  generation 短语和例子下[上] 一代 the coming [last] generation; 这一代中出类拔萃的人 the pick of the generation; 一代名儒 a scholar of no equal of his time; 一代天骄 a proud son of heaven; 一代新人 a new generation; a ge
一代又一代:  from generation to generation
一代人:  breedinggeneration
一代增益:  one-generation gain
一代歌王:  the jolson story
一代磷酸铵:  ammonium primary phos-sphate
一代艺人:  the great artist
一代名儒:  a scholar of no equal of his time
一代盐:  primary salt
这一代:  a generation
Example Sentences:
1.We design kitchens for today 's cooks .
2.This generation of americans has already had enough .
3.I don't understand what's come over the children of this generation .
4.This generation is returning to the basics and rejecting the interference of the machine .
5.Long generations of servitude have made the countrymen peculiarly subtle in hierarchical distinctions .
6.This was a generation of revolutionary youth filled with beautiful dreams, envisioning a beautiful future .
7.Millions of such stitches in each of these 200 generations is the fabric of this history woven .
8.George washington gave generations of americans their model of determination, selflessness, and honor .
9.George washington gave generations of americans their model of determination, selflessness, and honor .
10.New parts will be started and completed by the men and women of your generation, possibly by you or your classmates .
Similar Words:
"一代" English translation, "一代暴君" English translation, "一代悲哀的年轻人" English translation, "一代变化" English translation, "一代传一代" English translation, "一代歌后" English translation, "一代歌王" English translation, "一代更比一代强" English translation, "一代贵族。" English translation, "一代贵族的爵位, 非世袭贵族" English translation