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English translation for "一元复始"

the restart of the first; the beginning has come again.; the spring has come again.; the year returns to its beginning.; with the beginning of another year

Related Translations:
自始:  ab initio
始成:  Shi Cheng
始集:  initial set
始拖:  commencement of towing
始平:  shihei
掩始:  disa earancedisappearance
始马:  eohippus
始加速度:  starting acceleration
始拟纺锤:  eoparafusulina
始发者:  originatorstarter
Example Sentences:
1.As we enter the year of the monkey , i wish you all good health and a happy and prosperous year ahead
2.As we enter the year of the monkey , i wish you all good health and a happy and prosperous year ahead
3.As a new year comes round and everything looks fresh and gay , i expect the next two years will have much better things in store
4.As a new year comes round and everything looks fresh and gay , i expect the next two years will have much better things in store
5.There is no better time to exhibit the paper - cuts and stencil prints of yu ping and ren ping than at the start of a new year their artwork brims with the scent of spring , carrying nature s message of renewal and growth
6.The year 2004 was full of challenges and difficulties but through our hardworking efforts we have overcome those challenges and difficulties . now a new year full of hopes and opportunities will come ! first of all , on behalf of the resun group i would like to thank and greet all the friends and staff who supported resun and myself in the past year
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