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English translation for "一再发生"

happen or appear again or more than once

Related Translations:
一再:  time and again; again and again; repeatedly 短语和例子一再表示感谢 express one's gratitude again and again; 一再高呼 shout again and again; 一再警告某人 caution sb. repeatedly; 一再宣称 declare time and again; 同样的
一再宣称:  declare time and again
一再蹉跎:  let one opportunity after another slip away
一再错过:  sliand slide
一再提醒:  keep after
一再徘徊:  for another round
一再地:  over and over again
一再高呼:  shout again and again
表示一再:  acquaint ac
一再起立:  keeon standing up
Example Sentences:
1.The same changes took place again and again .
2.There is the source of the recurring pestilence .
3.Time and time again in the history of aviation, "the impossible" has been done .
4.As i wondered why these things kept happening , i was very discouraged
5.This kind of things is gonna happen again . when it does , next time , you might not be so lucky
6.The first question the effective decision - maker asks is : “ is this a generic situation or an exception ?
7.Peripheral intra vein ( i . v . ) therapy is common and important in clinical practice , and the arguments about i . v . therapy are still being put forward
Similar Words:
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