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English translation for "一幢公寓楼"

a block of apartments

Related Translations:
幢幢:  (形容影子摇晃) flickering; dancing 短语和例子人影幢幢 shadows of people moving about
:  幢名词1.(古代旗子一类的东西) pennant or streamer used in ancient china2.(刻着佛号或经咒的石柱子) a stone pillar inscribed with the buddha's name or the buddhist scriptures
人影幢幢:  shadows of people moving about
活动幢:  dive key
妙幢:  ruciraketu. name of a bodhisattva
鬼影幢幢:  a05y
碰幢:  impact
幢一幢摩天大楼:  a skyscraper
蛇幢星:  snake nebula
整幢出租:  block letting
Example Sentences:
1.A carbon monoxide leak at an apartment building off - campus sent 19 students to the hospital
2.His assistant and 9 / 11 cell organizer in hamburg , germany , ramzi bin al shibh , had been grabbed on sept . 11 , 2002 , exactly a year after the 9 / 11 attacks , following a firefight at an apartment building in karachi , pakistan
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