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English translation for "一点不错"

all right

Related Translations:
小孩子的字能写成这样总算不错了:  for a child's handwriting it's quite good
一点一点地:  bit by bitby bitspiece by piecepiecemeal
冷静一点:  cool it
多一点:  a little bit moremore
表一点:  agolaterrbeforeafterrbefore、after
一点蜂蜜:  single droof honey
多一点天真:  more naivete
一点五分:  it is one five
关小一点:  could you turn it down
多一点光:  a little more light
Example Sentences:
1.It was quite right of you to think that way .
2. "the boy is quite clever. "exactly. "
3.Surely, he had !
4.It was my turn to recite . how i wish i had been able to say the rules without a mistake !
5.Surely it was the sound of bells, the voice of the city, faint and musical, calling to him .
6.- the network ` ll never go for that . - exactly
7.The network ll never go for that . - exactly
8.You re right , my lady - a regular little flint
9." exactly so , " said the delighted major
一点不错。 ”少校快活地说道。
10." precisely ; i was sure of it , " said morcerf
一点不错,我早就料到了。 ”马尔塞夫说道。
Similar Words:
"一点辨别" English translation, "一点标定法" English translation, "一点并" English translation, "一点不" English translation, "一点不比以前坏" English translation, "一点不归路" English translation, "一点不含糊" English translation, "一点不后悔" English translation, "一点不假" English translation, "一点不觉得累" English translation