| 1. | The silence in the hall was awesome . 会场是一片沉寂,静得有些令人生畏。 |
| 2. | Nothing was stirring around . 周围一点动静都没有,一片沉寂。 |
| 3. | Not a stir around 周围一点动静都没有,一片沉寂。 |
| 4. | All the long afternoon the village seemed empty and dead 那天下午,林子里好像什么也没有,一片沉寂。 |
| 5. | Village alleys were desolate without any atmosphere for festival 乡村小路上冷冷清清一片沉寂,没有丝毫的节日气氛。 |
| 6. | The city has fallen silent 城市一片沉寂 |
| 7. | Silence with a yawn or two accompanied this thrilling announcement 听了这条激动人心的报道之后是一片沉寂,随着是一两个哈欠。 |
| 8. | Another step stamped on the flooring above and something fell ; and there was silence 另一个人的脚步踩在头顶的地板上,什么东西跌倒了,随之便是一片沉寂。 |
| 9. | And the multitude was silent , not a voice , not a sound was heard upon the hillsides , across the valleys where they stood 人群静默无声,小山脚下,积满了人群的山谷里一片沉寂。 |
| 10. | The great saloon was perfectly quiet ; but the murmurs of the crowd outside were heard , with now and then a shrill cry 接着就是一片沉寂。俱乐部的大厅里静悄悄的,一点声音也没有。然而,外面却是人声鼎沸,有时还夹杂着刺耳的喊声。 |