I tried every treatment the doctor suggested 我试遍了医生建议的每一种疗法。
My therapist taught me this technique where you write a letter 我的私人医生教我一种疗法
His life ' s work centred in the search for a cure for the terrible disease 他一生的工作主要是寻找一种疗法以医治这种可怕的疾病。
It has resulted in development of a method now being tested by some victims of strokes 由它产生了一种疗法,这种疗法现在正在一些中风患者中试验。
The treatment failed in eighty - seven children in the hospitalized group and seventy - seven in the home group . these children were then given another therapy 在医院接受治疗的儿童和77 %在家服用抗生素药物的儿童都因上述治疗方法无效而接受了另一种疗法。