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English translation for "一竹"

the single bamboo

Related Translations:
竹舍:  takenoya
竹仪:  takeyoshi
竹多:  takeda
堀竹:  horitake
竹音:  zhu yin
竹尾:  takenoo
岩竹:  iwatake
筑竹:  tsusuki
竹桌:  bamboo table
竹木工:  bamboo worker
Example Sentences:
1.Kubota itchiku memorial museum
2.It is too bad that not many christians are like you who will respect other people freedom of religion
3.Pieces of kubota itchiku , the master who revived the " tsukigahana " symbol of the muromachi period
久保田一竹先生是把日本muromachi时代的绞缬染法" tsujigahana "现代重新复活的。
4.Utilizing the interface , all most aspects of chua ' s circuit , including circuit ' s parameters , initial conditions , eigenvalues , vector field , movement track , and so on , may be fully and directly reflected . on the one hand , it solves existing situation of no - directly perceived nature and complexity in researching all aspects of chua ' s circuit ; on the other hand , investigators can still more conveniently study the circuit
4 )设计了一个用户界面,可对chua混沌电路的参数、初始条件、特征值、矢量场、运动轨迹等各个环节进行全面、直观的反映,解决了目前研究chua混沌电路各环一竹的不直观性和计算电路参数的复杂性,可使研究者更进一步方便的研究电路。
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