His thoughts in a whirl, he rode slowly back to soissons, and when he went to bed he couldn't get to sleep for hours . 他的脑子乱成一锅粥,慢慢地骑着车回苏瓦松。上床以后,一连好几个钟头睡不着觉。
What a fuck - up 真是乱成一锅粥
While there are cases where unscrupulous food manufacturers cheat by using unapproved ingredients , these cases are the exception , rather than the rule for the majority of our foods 有时有一些食物制造业者使用未经核准的成分来欺骗消费者,但这些情形大部分是例外,并不能因一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥。