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English translation for "万一下雨"

in case of rain they can't go

Related Translations:
万一:  1.(可能性极小的假设) just in case; if by any chance 短语和例子可能下雨, 拿把伞吧, 以防万一。 it may rain; you'd better take an umbrella just in case.2.(可能性很小的意外) contingency; eventuality 短语和例子准备应付一切万一发生的事故 be prepa
九万一:  kumaichi
万一时:  in the event of
防备万一:  be ready for all eventualities
一万一:  eleven thousand
准备万一:  prepare for the worst; be prepared for an emergency; expect the worst; keep one's powder dry
哦万一:  oooh what if
万一英:  yiying wan
万一发生:  in case of
久万一:  kumaichi
Example Sentences:
1.If the day turns out wet we may have to change our plans .
2.I think we ' re gonna have a little problem with leaks
3.If it should rain , our plan would be spoiled
4.If it should rain , we would change our plan
5.If the day turns out wet we may have to change our plans
6.If the day turns out rain we may have to change our plan
7.In case it rains , the sports meeting will be put off or cancelled
8.Suppose it rains , what shall we do
9.In case of rain , they can ' t go
10.In case it should rain , the sports meet would be put off or cancelled
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