| 1. | The first inversion of a triad has the original third at the bottom 三和弦的第一转位以原第三音为底音。 |
| 2. | The first inversion of a triad has the original third at the bottom 三和弦第一转位是将原第三音置于底部。 |
| 3. | The second inversion of a triad has the original top note at the bottom 三和弦的第二转位以原最高音为底音。 |
| 4. | The second inversion of a triad has the original top note at the bottom 三和弦第二转位是将原最上面的音置于底部。 |
| 5. | Diminished triads and augmented triads are traditionally regarded as dissonant chords 减三和弦和增三和弦传统上被看作不协和和弦。 |
| 6. | Diatonic seventh chords use the notes of the diatonic scale to add a seventh above the root to triads 自然七和弦使用自然音阶的音,在三和弦上增加根音之上的七音。 |
| 7. | With a major tonic triad the first choice of a note to double would be the root , the second choice the fifth 主音大三和弦重奏的第一选择是根音,第二选择是五度音。 |
| 8. | A diminished triad is a three - note chord with a minor third added over the root and a minor third added above that 减三和弦是根音上加一个小三度的三音和弦,其上加一个小三度。 |
| 9. | In their simplest form , triads , or three - note chords , may be inverted by having either the original middle or the original top note at the bottom 最简单的形式三和弦,可转位为原中间音或原最上面的音置于底部。 |
| 10. | In their simplest form , triads , or three - note chords , may be inverted by having either the original middle or the original top note at the bottom 最简单的形式,三和弦,可通过以加原中间音或原最高音为底音来转换。 |