| 1. | Consumer behaviour towards banking is very much a function of social class . 顾客上银行的行为在很大程度上受社会阶层的影响。 |
| 2. | You mean theres really not much of a difference 您是说,实脊上银行与旅馆的兑换率差距并不大。 |
| 3. | Banking - signature stamps on bills 账单上银行签名印章 |
| 4. | Suckah : i think we should first go to the bank to withdrawl some money 阿摩林:我想我们先上银行去取钱去。 |
| 5. | Attached please find photocopy of remitted document from bank 随信寄上银行于汇款完成所发给我们的通知书影本。 |
| 6. | Revised customer educational leaflet : " internet banking - keeping your money safe 经修订的客户教育单张网上银行安全理财 |
| 7. | Never use hyperlinks in emails or internet search engines to log on to internet banking 切勿经电邮内的超连结或网上搜寻器登入网上银行。 |
| 8. | Do not download any freeware onto the computer that you use to access internet banking 不应在你用来登入网上银行的电脑下载任何免费软件。 |
| 9. | Never access your internet banking website from a public computer e . g . in a cyber cafe 切勿使用公用电脑如网络咖啡室提供的电脑登入网上银行的网站。 |
| 10. | On the fiduciary duty of the bank to their client on the british law and the use for reference for our country 试述英国法上银行对客户的信托义务及对我国的借鉴 |