(不高傲, 不卑屈;又作 “不亢不卑”) be neither humble nor pushy; neither cringing nor arrogant; neither haughty nor humble; neither humble nor pert; neither servile nor overbearing; neither to humble oneself nor to show disrespect; neither supercilious nor obsequious; neither supercilious nor arrogant-cordial but independent; neither to argue back nor flatter; without being servile or bumptious [overbearing]
Example Sentences:
The tone was neither aggressive nor conciliatory . 她的语调不卑不亢。
He flattered himself he spoke rather sternly . 他自以为讲得不卑不亢。
"me," said pablo evenly . “我,”巴勃罗不卑不亢地说。
He met the pressing requests of his neighbours with a gentle obstinacy . 他不卑不亢地应付他邻居那咄咄逼人的要求。
Bullies usually won ' t bother you if you bow your back and stand your ground 你若不卑不亢,小流氓就不会来惹你。
Keep a good attitude ? last but not least , keep a positive , open and relaxed attitude 保持良好的心态,不卑不亢,不紧不慢。
Are we fair and reasonable to people around us ? don ' t abuse the weak and poor and don ' t accept bullies and evil 对人不卑不亢,处事有理有节,公平合理吗?不做欺善怕恶之事。
When dealing with an overmatch : be neither humble nor arrogant , but equal . otherwise , argue strongly on just grounds and make every effort to persist 与强者、强势交往:不卑不亢、平等来往。否则将据理力争、拼死抗争。
But all he said was so nice , so sedate , the navet of his youthful egoism was so undisguised , that he disarmed his listeners 可是他讲得娓娓动听,不卑不亢,那种年轻人所固有的幼稚的自私心理暴露无遗,终于使听众无力反驳了。
It were not fit i should do so , ” answered rebecca , with proud humility . ” where my societymight be held a disgrace to my protect ress “我那样做不恰当, ”丽贝卡不卑不亢说道, “让我跟你并行,恐怕会有辱你这个保护人的身份。 ”