| 1. | I should be ashamed to show my face in public . 我不好意思抛头露面。 |
| 2. | You needn't blush like that, frieda ! 你不要这样不好意思嘛,弗丽达! |
| 3. | I cannot repeat the words for very shame . 我真不好意思重复这些话。 |
| 4. | He draws his chair back apologetically . 他不好意思地把椅子挪后一点儿。 |
| 5. | Your humility must disarm reproof . 你这样谦虚,真叫人家不好意思责备了。 |
| 6. | She felt embarrassed by so much praise . 她被夸得不好意思了。 |
| 7. | He felt too ashamed to ask for help . 他不好意思请求帮助。 |
| 8. | I stood shyly behind him . 我不好意思地站在他身后。 |
| 9. | You do not need to be ashamed with me, major scobie . 你对我用不着不好意思,斯考比少校。 |
| 10. | Tess's pride would not allow her to turn her head again . 苔丝的自尊心重,不好意思再回头去看。 |