Did you ? don t tell me so - lest i should say something disparaging to your judgment 别同我说这话不然我会对你的判断说出不恭的话来。
On the other hand , eun - joo is ready to put her " husband - taming project " into action . . . . . 但另一方面,恩洙却一心欲把玩世不恭俊宏,改变成为肯承担责任,做事认真的好男人. .
While some might think it sacrilege to alter such a car , even other bentley owners have seen the joke , he says 尽管有些人会觉得改装这么贵的一部车未免不恭,但其他开宾利的都把这件事当成一个笑话,泰然处之。
I must indeed , i said ; for when just now i repeated the offer of serving him for a deacon , he expressed himself shocked at my want of decency “说真的我得这样, ”我说, “因为刚才我再次提出愿意做他的副牧师时,他对我的不恭表示惊奇。