| 1. | It 's all over bar ( but ) the shouting . 场赛终止,只是呼喊声不绝。 |
| 2. | Such queries have echoed down the corridors . 对这种质问的反应经久不绝。 |
| 3. | The cruise provided us with some spectacular views . 一路驶去,壮丽的景色不绝于目。 |
| 4. | She fell into a train of melancholy thoughts . 于是她陷进了一种连续不绝的忧郁思想里。 |
| 5. | Every few seconds one of them would swear dully . 含含糊糊的骂天骂地声此起彼落,一路不绝。 |
| 6. | He kicked the dog off the porch in a rolling explosion of oaths . 他突然骂不绝口,一脚把狗踢下阳台。 |
| 7. | Vast and irregular plains of ice stretched out in every direction . 唯见延绵不绝,高低起伏的一片冰洲。 |
| 8. | Clouds of smoke and steam filled the air for ever and ever . 空气里长年累月充满着缭绕不绝的浓烟和蒸气。 |
| 9. | Water was splashing and mud was flying and oaths were being sworn . 只见那里水花四溅,污泥乱飞,骂声不绝。 |
| 10. | Harris was sweating and cursing by the time they reached the lock . 当他们来到水闸时,哈里斯已是汗流浃背,骂不绝口。 |