English translation for "专心 "
[ zhuānxīn ] whole-hearted; attentive; be absorbed; concentrate one's attention 短语和例子 专心学习 study with undivided attention; 课上专心听讲 listen attentively to the teacher in the class; 假如你不更加专心地工作, 你将被解雇。 if you don't concentrate more on your work you'll be dismissed Related Translations:专心阅读 : study or give close attention tostudy with close attention
专心致力于 : bind up inconcentrate ondedicate oneself to
专心从事 : buckle oneself todevotedevotionimmerse
专心聆听 : we are usually all ears
专心的 : attentiveconcentrativedevotionalfullintentsingle-mindedunfalteringversant
很专心 : on the edge of my seat
专心读书 : give oneself to study
Example Sentences: 1. He is bound up in the study of nuclear physics . 他专心 于研究核物理。 2. The music distracted him from his work . 乐声使他不能专心 工作。 3. Students are banging away at their homework . 学生专心 做功课。 4. What are you looking at so intently ? 你这么专心 地在看什么呢? 5. Peter 's always got his nose in a book . 彼得总是专心 地看书。 6. He could n't bend his mind to his studies . 他不能专心 学习。 7. He found it hard to buckle down . 他很难专心 做一样事情。 8. What are you so pensive about ? 你这么专心 ,在想些什么? 9. After he has retired , he will devote himself to gardening . 退休后,他将专心 于园艺。 10. You are good actress. stick to your profession . 你是个很好的女演员。专心 你的职业吧。
Similar Words: "专效性农药" English translation , "专效性杀虫剂" English translation , "专效修饰基因" English translation , "专效修饰因子" English translation , "专写硬汉" English translation , "专心,集中精力" English translation , "专心;照顾,护理" English translation , "专心把一件事做到最好" English translation , "专心从事" English translation , "专心从事某事" English translation