| 1. | Component implementation and specialized component types 组件实现和专用组件类型 |
| 2. | How to : create a private component >如何:创建专用组件 |
| 3. | Private components by default 默认情况下为专用组件。 |
| 4. | Control is replaced by several specialized components in visual basic 2005 控件在visual basic 2005中被几个专用组件取代。 |
| 5. | Private components provide the developer with more control over what functionality to expose 专用组件为开发人员对公开什么功能提供了更多控制权。 |
| 6. | A private component can be seen and activated only by other components in the same application 专用组件只能由同一应用程序中的其他组件看到和激活。 |
| 7. | If you call any classes of a private component , it fails out - of - process but succeeds in - process 如果调用专用组件的任何类,从进程外调用就会失败,而从进程内调用就会成功。 |
| 8. | Identifies a component as a private component that is only seen and activated by components in the same application 将组件标识为专用组件,专用组件仅对同一应用程序中的组件而言是可见的并只可由同一应用程序中的组件激活。 |
| 9. | You also have the option of creating private components that cannot be accessed from outside the application but might still take advantage of all com services 还可以选择创建专用组件,使它们不能从应用程序外访问,但仍可以利用所有的com +服务。 |