两党制及两党各自特点: the two-party system and the characteristics of the two major parties in the u.s.a
Example Sentences:
A two party system excludes other parties from power 两党制排斥其他党入选。
Mr keller marvels that the two - party system survived such upheavals as the civil war and the industrial revolution 使凯勒大为惊奇的是,两党制在经过了内战和工业革命这样的大风大浪后,竟然保存了下来。
He calls for a bipartisan strategy to win the war in iraq , and he calls for a renewal of conservative christian values 他主张在伊拉克实行两党制以取得伊拉克战争的胜利,同时他还呼吁保守党的基督教价值观的复兴。
Another consequence of the two - party system is that whereas minor parties are likely to identify themselves with special interests or special programs and thus take extreme positions , the major parties are so large that they tend to be moderate 两党制的另一个结果是:鉴于小党派可能把自己与特殊的利益和特殊的纲领认同为一,因而有可能采取极端立场,而大党很强大所以倾向于温和。