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English translation for "中不支持"


Related Translations:
体力不支:  lack of physical strengthtoo tired to go on doing sth.too weak physically to stand it
正气不支:  collapse of the primordial qi
不支付:  fail to paynonpayment
不支持:  do not supportlet downnonsupportobject to
不支持的:  unsupported
不支产帐:  real estate account
不支付风险:  non-payment risks
硬盘不支持:  dst is not supported on this seagate drive
版本不支持:  ms-dos
Example Sentences:
1.This method is not supported in the current version
2.Any character not supported in the current encoding
3.The following is not supported in smart device applications
4.Some new data types such as
Net framework中不支持某些新的数据类型,例如
5.This property is not supported on this stream
6.The following are not supported in smart device applications
7.Inline assembly language is not supported in the x64 compiler
8.Controls . windowless controls are not supported in windows forms
9.Always throws an unsupported exception in sql server mobile
总是引发sql server mobile中不支持的异常。
10.Master pages are not supported in asp . net mobile web forms pages
Asp . net移动web窗体页中不支持母版页。
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