English translation for "中国药科大学学报"
- j chin pharm univ
journal of china pharmaceutical university
Related Translations:
中科大: hkust in the mistustc 高科大: national kaohsiung first university of science and technology 高雄科大: national kaohsiung first university of science and technology 商科大学: college of commerce 药科大学: china pharmaceutical universityshenyang pharmaceutical university
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Journal of china pharmaceutical university 中国药科大学学报 | | 2. | Dai yue , et al . effects of fructus ligustri lucidi decoction on the mice immune system . journal of pharmacy school of china 1987 ; 18 ( 4 ) : 301 戴岳,等?女贞子煎剂对小鼠免疫系统的作用?中国药科大学学报1987 ; 18 ( 4 ) : 301 。 | | 3. | Chen chong - hong , male , the member , board of chinese pharmacological society ; vice - director of the committee of education and popular science in chinese pharmacological society , was born on dec . 24 , 1945 , graduated from china pharmaceutical university in 1970 , graduated from anhui medical university in 1981 and got medical master degree , advavced study in university of southern clifornia as a visiting scholar in 1986 - 1988 钱之玉,教授,男,汉族,出生于1941年1月,南京人,毕业于南京药学院。现任中国药科大学药理教研室主任,博士生导师。兼职江苏省学位委员会学科评议组成员江苏省药理学会常务理事中国药理学会理事中国药科大学学报和中草药杂志编委。 |
- Similar Words:
- "中国遥学大辞典" English translation, "中国咬人甘蓝" English translation, "中国药材公司" English translation, "中国药房" English translation, "中国药科大学" English translation, "中国药理学报" English translation, "中国药理学会" English translation, "中国药理学通报" English translation, "中国药理学与毒理学杂志" English translation, "中国药品标准" English translation