Total suspended particulates are made up of tiny airborne particles with diameters less than 100 micrometres which enter the atmosphere from two main sources 总悬浮粒子来源总悬浮粒子由空气中直径少于100微米的微细粒子组成。
The belt contains as many as 10 billion objects at least one mile across ; astronomers estimate five to 10 of those are jumbo - sized 在柯依伯带中直径1英里的距离中就有至少100亿个天体;天文学家估计它们中可能有5到10个是体积巨大的。
Total suspended particulates ( tsp ) are made up of tiny airborne particles with diameters less than 100 micrometres which enter the atmosphere from two main sources 总悬浮粒子来源总悬浮粒子由空气中直径少于100微米的微细粒子组成。