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English translation for "中组部"

[简] (中共中央组织部) the organization department of the central committee of the cpc
Example Sentences:
1.Unforgotten feeling of bayu , heartied with chongqing people
2.His title includes member of chinese musician association , member of chinese ethnic minority group music association , and director of china broadcasting electronic - music and vocal music band . as an accomplished artist , he has visited many countries and regions around the world , committing himself to the cause of cultural exchange . in 1996 , he received outstanding singing award
1986年获中国音乐家协会和全国侨联举办的首届“海峡同乐杯”优秀民歌演唱大奖第一名1992年获全国青年歌手电视大奖赛专业组民族唱法第二名1996年在中组部中宣部文化部广电部举办的“孔繁森声乐作品”演唱比赛获得最高奖“优秀演唱奖” 。
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