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English translation for "中继器"

[ zhōngjìqì ]
[电子学] repeater; trunk circuit
◇中继器增益 [讯] repeater gain

Related Translations:
思维中继:  thought breaking-off
中继技术:  relaying technique
层中继:  layer relay
载波中继:  carrier relayingcarrier trunk
中继内容:  meta-content
中继类别:  cot class of trunk
中继泵:  relay pump
出中继键:  outgoing trunk switch
转发器中继器:  repeater
中继地球站:  relaying earth station
Example Sentences:
1.I need to set a relay clser to the building
2.I can do it . you ' ll need to be here when it ' s activated
3.Design of can bus repeater based on sja
4.Automatic gain controlrepeater
5.Addressable relay device
6.Technical requirements and test methods for relays in manual toll telephone switching equipments
7.Chapter five explains the repeater ' s hardware and software design and pc address setting " software development
8.As all ethernet function is supported , this repeater was designed under the standard of ieee802 . 3 . the whole repeater system was working based on a hardware platform
由于都采用了以太网的标准,因此中继设备完全按照ieee802 . 3中的中继器标准设计。
9.Termination resistors should be placed only at the extreme ends of the data line , and no more than two terminations should be placed in any system that does not use repeaters
10.Also , fast ethernet is hampered by distance limitations : its copper interfaces only support distances of 100 meters between an end - station and a repeater , and 10 meters between repeaters
Similar Words:
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