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English translation for "中药组"

chinese medicines section

Related Translations:
中药:  traditional chinese medicine◇中药材 chinese medicinal crop; 中药厂 pharmaceutical factory of traditional chinese drug; 中药剂量 dosage of drug; 中药加工 chinese medicinal herb processing; 中药禁忌 drug cont
中药联合:  mtx
中药研究室:  tcm research office
中药志:  chinese medicinal herbal
中药分类:  classification of tcd
中药牙膏:  chinese medicinal toothpaste
中药麻醉剂:  herbal anesthetic
中药提炼:  chinese medicine extraction
中药加工:  chinese medicinal herb processing
中药铺:  chinese pharmacydrug store of tcmtraditional chinese drug storetraditional chinese medicinal herbs shop
Example Sentences:
1.In this regard , the chinese medicines board under the chinese medicine council has recommended that -
2.Results in the treated group , the serum level of rantes decreased significantly after treatment , and it was significantly lower as compared with that in the control group p005
结果中药组治疗后血清rantes较治疗前明显下降,且明显低于安慰剂组p0 . 05 。
3.Results observation on local lesion showed that the scores of erythema , infiltration , scaly eruption , pruritus were significantly improved in difference between the cebo group and the daivonex group p001 . but in the placebo control group , significant improvement was only shown in scaly eruption scores wtbxp001 , so , the improvement in skin lesion in the placebo group was significantly inferior to that in the other two groups p001
结果局部症状改善情况:中药组和西药组红斑鳞屑浸润瘙痒程度治疗前后评分比较,差异有显著性wtbxp001 ,而安慰剂组仅鳞屑评分差异有显著性p001治疗后两治疗组与安慰剂组比较,差异均有显著性p001 。
4.Methods one hundred and twenty eight post esophagectomy in - patients in our haspital were chosen from february 2001 to february 2002 and were randomly divided into 3 groups : chinese traditional medicine group , the pure chemotherapy group and chemotherapy combined with chinese traditional medicine group in order to observe and analyze the three group changes of qol
5.The itsi of pruritus was shorter in cebo group than that in the daivonex group and the placebo group p001 , but that of other symptoms showed insignificant difference between the cebo group and the daivonex group , as for comparing in itsi of erythema , infiltration , scaly eruption and pruritus , it was significantly shorter in the cebo group and daivonex group than that in the placebo group respectively p001 . the occurrence of adverse events in the cebo group had insignificant difference to that in the daivonex group , but the recurrence rate in the former was significantly lower than that in the latter p005
中药组瘙痒症状改善时间少于西药组及安慰剂组,差异有显著性p001 ,而其他症状改善时间差异无显著性中药组及西药组的红斑鳞屑浸润症状改善时间均少于安慰剂组,差异有显著性p 001中药组与西药组不良事件发生比较差异无显著性而中药组复发相对少于西药组。
6.To observe the curative effect of central serous chorioretinopathy ( csc ) treated with modified wulingsan and laser coagulation , the patients were randomly divided into three groups , the results showed that modified wulingsan and laser coagulation is a better treatment for csc
7.Based on the conventional treatment with hypoglycemic agents , patients in the treated group were treated with ldsc plus glt additionally , and those in the placebo group with placebo for 6 months , respectively . the levels of serum rantes , blood glucose , blood lipids and glycosylated hemoglobin , as well as microcontent of albumin in urine were measured before and after treatment
方法在西药降糖治疗基础上, 40例早期2型糖尿病患者,随机分为中药组和安慰剂组,每组20例,分别给予六味地黄软胶囊及银杏叶片或安慰剂治疗6个月,检测治疗前后血清rantes血糖血脂糖化血红蛋白及尿微量白蛋白水平。
8.The control measure was introduced by the chinese medicines board ( cmb ) in view of the fact that there is no effective mechanism to examine and identify the aa - containing herbs in local market to safeguard public health . starting from 1 june 2004 , the importation and sale of herbs listed in list a will be prohibited and herbs listed in list b will be suspended for further examination
为保障?民健康及用药安全,香港中医药管理委员会中药组经讨论后决定,于2004年6月1日起,停止进口及销售附件之名单甲药材及暂停使用附件之名单乙药材,有关名单载于香港中医药管理委员会网页( http : www
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