| 1. | This sports model makes two hundred miles an hour . 这种赛车时速为二百迈。 |
| 2. | One kilometre is equivalent to two li . 一公里为二华里。 |
| 3. | I bet three pounds on a horse at twenty to one and won sixty pounds ! 我用三镑压在赔率为二十比一的马上,结果赢了六十镑! |
| 4. | The united states used approximately 270 billion gallons of water per day in 1960 . 1960年美国每天用水量大约为二千七百亿加仑。 |
| 5. | In the binary system, the digit combination 10 has the value two, which is where the word binary comes from . 在二进制中,数字组合“10”的数值为二,“二进制”就是根据这个数值来命名的。 |
| 6. | In this and next section, we shall consider some particular algebraic sets having binary operations defined on them . 在这一节及下一节中,我们将讨论一些在其定义为二元运算的特殊代数集合。 |
| 7. | The deepest hole ever to be bored on land went down 25, 340 feet--considerably less than the height of mount everest . 迄今,在陆地上钻过的最深的洞为二万五千三百四十英尺远不如珠穆朗玛峰的高度。 |
| 8. | She expected her husband would instantly divide her aunt's legacy into two equal portions, and send off one-half to his brother at paris . 她以为她丈夫马上就会把姑妈的遗产平分为二,送一半到巴黎给弟弟去花。 |
| 9. | Latest estimates of what the entire 10-year program will cost scale down the earlier japanese figure of $350 billion to around $250 billion. 最近对整个十年规划所需资金的估计已从早先日本人估计数三千五百亿美元降低为二千五百亿美元左右。 |
| 10. | The last day shall end at 24 : 00 hours 期间的最后一天的截止时间为二十四点。 |