| 1. | Few of the adventurers lived beyond middle age . 能活到中年的冒险家为数很少。 |
| 2. | A number of us, however, are yet living . 但是,我们中间为数不少的人现在仍然活着。 |
| 3. | The alteration would entail an expenditure of 50 pounds. 此项改变将带来为数五十英磅的花费。 |
| 4. | The total sum is considerable . 为数甚巨。 |
| 5. | He would have nothing but a teacher's small pension . 他除了为数微薄的教师津贴外,别无其它收入。 |
| 6. | Not knowing of the custom described above, i was inclined to consider that number quite adequate . 如果不知道上述的传统习惯,我会认为为数够多了。 |
| 7. | There are just too many countries and regions involved and thus a web of tax regulations . 它所涉及的国家和地区为数太多,各种税则纵横交错,纷繁复杂。 |
| 8. | Those who cultivate mathematics for its own sake are idle searchers given to a vain play of the spirit . 那些为数学而搞数学的人是白费精神的盲目的研究者。 |
| 9. | Original ideas, absolutely independent of previous knowledge and experience, are necessarily few in number . 绝对不以旧有的知识和经验为凭借的原始观念必然为数很少。 |
| 10. | The hawk gens of the senecas were reduced to a small number of persons, and its extinction became imminent . 塞内卡斯的鹰氏族人口减到了为数很少的程度,绝灭之祸眼见就要到来。 |