| 1. | Suddenly a colossal explosion occurred in battleship row . 主力舰碇泊区突然发生极猛烈的爆炸。 |
| 2. | The awesome main striking force stumbled on a cheap victory . 强大的主力舰队无意中赢了一场唾手可得的胜利。 |
| 3. | I counted four battleships definitely sunk, three severely damaged . 我数了一数,有四艘主力舰无疑已经沉没,三艘重创。 |
| 4. | The "hood", our largest and also our fastest capital ship, had been blown up . 我们最大的,也是我们的最快的主力舰“胡德”号已被炸沉。 |
| 5. | Studying battleship row through binoculars, i saw the big explosion had been on the arizona . 我用望远镜窥察主力舰碇泊区,见到发生大爆炸的是“亚利桑那”号。 |
| 6. | The pennsylvania, which was in dry dock, was unscathedevidently the only battleship that had not been attacked . 干船坞里的“宾夕法尼亚”号却仍安然无恙,显然是唯一未遭受袭击的主力舰。 |
| 7. | Still another battleship appeared to be slightly damaged, and extensive damage had also been inflicted on other types of ships . 还有一艘主力舰似乎只受到微创,其他各型舰只都是疮痍满目。 |
| 8. | The new battle ship will be armed with16 inch guns 那艘新的主力舰将配备口径16英寸的大炮。 |
| 9. | It was time , for just as i jumped the deck burst with a noise like the broadside of a man - of - war 我刚跳离,甲板就嘣的一声象一艘主力舰上边众炮发似的炸裂了。 |
| 10. | The commander of the alliance fleet , admiral ackbar led the rebel capital ships into the battle of endor 身为反抗军同盟舰队的指挥官,亚克博上将亲自率领反抗军主力舰投入安铎战役。 |