| 1. | The main worship hall houses over 13 , 000 buddha statues of a similar height but slightly different poses 主殿内供奉着一万三千多尊高度相若而形态各异的佛像。 |
| 2. | There are quite a number of fortune - telling stalls along the corridor at the left side of the temple 庙宇左边的走廊上,有多个相士摊档。主殿两旁建有钟楼和鼓楼各一。 |
| 3. | In the main hall there stands the gilded statue of buddha sakyamuni , brought from chang an city by tang princess wencheng 主殿供奉着文成公主从长安带来的释迦牟呢紫金像。 |
| 4. | On the pillars at the entrance of the main worship hall there are chinese couplets written in beautiful chinese calligraphy 主殿入口处的门柱上挂有对联,字体优美,寓意深长。 |
| 5. | The main shrine was reconstructed in the 12th year of kansei ( 1800 ) and is now designated as a cultural property of the city 主殿于宽政12年( 1800 )再建,被指定为市文化财产。 |
| 6. | The main halls usually stand on the north - south axis , serve as places for people to worship the statues of daoist gods and conduct daoist ritual ceremonies 主殿通常矗立在中轴线上,成为供人敬拜道教诸神和举行道教仪式的地方。 |
| 7. | With the hall of celestial gifts as its main structure and axis , and encircled by a corridor , it covers an area of 96 , 500 square meters 以主殿天贶殿为中轴,回廊环绕,钟楼鼓楼左右相对,雉堞周匝,四隅起角楼,面积96500平方米。 |
| 8. | The main hall is shui yuet kung in which deities including koon yum , bao kung , lung mo and tai shui are enshrined and worshipped . there are also two side chambers which are used as a study hall and a village office respectively 主殿为水月宫,供奉观音,配祀包公、龙母和六十花甲太岁,另有两个厢房,分别为书院及公所。 |
| 9. | Nasb : then they gave it into the hands of the workmen who had the oversight of the house of the lord , and the workmen who were working in the house of the lord used it to restore and repair the house 吕震中本:他们也将银子交给在永恒主殿里监工的办事人;在殿里作办事之工的人就把银子拿出来、去缮补去修理圣殿;拿出来交给木匠、石匠、去买凿成的石头、联接的木料和栋梁来修补犹大诸王所让毁坏的殿。 |
| 10. | Once you reach the monastery s forecourt , you will see the forecourt adorned with large and colourful statues of buddhist deities and animals . a nine - storey pagoda stands opposite to the main worship hall . climbing up its spiral stairway offers even better vistas of sha tin 在主殿对面有一座九层高的万佛宝塔,沿着塔内的螺旋形楼梯向上走,并从各层的小窗往外望,沙田远近景色便会尽入眼帘,颇有居高临下之势。 |