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English translation for "主观症状"

rational symptom
subjective symptom

Related Translations:
主观:  subjectivity; subjective 短语和例子主观感觉 subjective feeling; 主观愿望 subjective desire; wishful thinking; 主观世界 the subjective world; 主观认识 subjective understanding; subjective knowledge; 主观努力one's o
主观潜能:  subjective potency
主观贫穷:  subjective poverty
主观谐波:  subjective harmonic
主观评断:  value judgment
主观斑纹:  subjective speckle
主观因素:  subjective factors
主观取向:  subjective orientation
主观估计:  subjective estimatesubjective estimation
主观矛盾:  subjective contradictions
Example Sentences:
1.No matter whether the patients were responders or not , more than 80 % of them had subjective improvement
主观症状的长期评估上, 80 %以上的者自认有进步。
2.Parameters were the shade of color and hardness of the scar tissue , thickness and size of scar , and subjective symptoms
Similar Words:
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