| 1. | The earth is but one country , and mankind its citizen 地球乃一国,万众皆其民。 |
| 2. | Morality is the custom of one ' s country and the current feeling of one ' s peers 道德乃一国之风俗习惯,同龄人的普遍情感 |
| 3. | Sheba is thought to be the ancient name of a tribe in the southern arabian peninsula 希巴乃一民族名,位于阿拉伯半岛南部。 |
| 4. | Pure , quality is sweet can person , solid is a the style can t much get its hifi the device 音质清纯通透,音色甜美可人,实乃一款不可多得之影音器材 |
| 5. | However , sri lankans believe that theirs is a very spiritual land due to its many holy places 由于境内圣地极多,我们深信斯里兰卡乃一极富灵性之地。 |
| 6. | It was a sample enquiry on a broad range of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the population 中期人口统计乃一抽样统计调查,用以搜集有关人口的广泛社会及经济特征数据。 |
| 7. | The employees retraining board is an independent statutory body set up under the employees retraining ordinance , 1992 雇员再培训局雇员再培训局乃一独立法定组织,根据雇员再培训条例于1992年成立。 |
| 8. | The protection of minority shareholders " right is a complicated project relating to multiple direction design and consummation of regulation 弱势股东权利保护乃一复杂系统工程,涉及多方位的制度设计与完善。 |
| 9. | The employees retraining board ( erb ) is an independent statutory body set up under the employees retraining ordinance , 1992 雇员再培训局雇员再培训局乃一独立法定组织,根据《雇员再培训条例》于1992年成立。 |
| 10. | You will come from your place in the far north , you and many nations with you , all of them riding on horses , a great horde , a mighty army 15你必从本地,从北方的极处率领许多国的民来,都骑着马,乃一大队极多的军兵。 |