| 1. | You're remarkably fresh, and i'm remarkably well-seasoned . 你朝气蓬勃,而我久经风霜。 |
| 2. | Now at length goering could give them the long-awaited signal . 现在戈林终于能够对他们发出久经期待的号令。 |
| 3. | He spoke whispering up at the harsh, calm face beneath the weathered hat . 他抬头望着那久经日晒雨淋的旧草帽底下那张严厉而又镇定的脸,细声地说。 |
| 4. | Though he had a very well-tempered constitution, his hold upon life had lost its firmness . 虽然有副久经锤炼的钢筋铁骨,但是死亡的阴影渐渐向他袭来。 |
| 5. | Not far from the road stood a weather-beaten old barn of reddish-grey brick and tile . 离大路不远,有一个久经风吹雨打的老仓房,由灰中带红的砖和瓦盖的。 |
| 6. | No one is promoted through the ranks to director of cia who is not tempered in many battles . 凡是从行伍提升为中央情报局局长的人,没有一个不是久经战斗锻炼出来的。 |
| 7. | A short man with a bunched wing body that gave the impression of being gnarled and sour . 他矮短身材,瘦削结实,身上筋筋节节的,给人的印象是个久经风霜、脾气执拗的人。 |
| 8. | A battalion of combat-hardened public-relations officers stood on red alert twenty-four hours a day . 一营久经战阵的新闻发布官也接到命令,二十四小时都处于紧急戒备状态。 |
| 9. | This tree, like so many millions of its brethren, lay where it had fallen, and was moldering under the slow but certain influence of the seasons . 这棵树又象无数同类一样,倒地之后,久经岁月和风霜雨雪的剥蚀。 |
| 10. | Noah townsend, now fifty-eight, had for many years appeared to represent everything a seasoned, experienced physician should be . 诺亚汤森特现年五十八岁,多年来,似乎处处都体现出一个久经锻炼,经验丰富的医生所应有的品质。 |