| 1. | In what do they seek refuge as safe ? 它们应到何处寻找安全的藏身之地呢? |
| 2. | Bridges were often points of battle . 桥梁往往是兵家争夺之地。 |
| 3. | There was standing room only in the second hall . 第二个大厅里只剩下仅可插足之地了。 |
| 4. | The quiet street corner was the sunny part of his life . 这幽静的街角也就是他生平得意之地。 |
| 5. | They had been preserved because they inhabited a place apart . 他们之能生存是因为他们所居住之地与他处不同。 |
| 6. | She might be happy in some nook which had no memories . 也许在一个对于她的旧事一概无知的一隅之地,她远可以快活。 |
| 7. | The landscape will get more cluttered, the air and water even dirtier . 风景之地将会更加狼藉不堪,空气和水将会变得更脏。 |
| 8. | Since life rarely depends on me, my great skills are subdued, unused . 由于生活很少依赖我,我高超的技术被压抑,无用武之地。 |
| 9. | You'll end up in the business, which is where you belong anyway . 你还是进工商界谋个立身之地为好,你本来就是买卖人家出身嘛。 |
| 10. | This might be camouflaged as closer east-west economic relations . 这种做法会堂而皇之地被说成是为了加强东西方之间的经济关系。 |