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English translation for "五脏所恶"

aversion of the five iparenchymatous viscera
aversion of the five parenchymatous viscera
what the five viscera are adverse to

Related Translations:
五脏:  [中医] the five internal organs (heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys)
五脏痹:  obstructed visceral painsyndromes daused by the disorders of the five viscera
五脏者:  the five viscera store up the sessence of life and do not dispel them
五脏遗精:  viscerogenic emission
润五脏:  moisturizing the visceramoisturizing viscera
五脏胀:  visceral distension
五脏气:  visceral activities
五脏脉:  five zang-related pulse
五脏衄:  emotional epistaxisvisceral epistaxis
补五脏:  reinforce the five visceratonifying five zang organs
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