English translation for "亚当斯密"
- adam smith
amam smith
Related Translations:
亚当斯: addams, janealvan adamsamy adamscamilla adamsglen adamsj. s. adamsjane adamsjane addamsjoey lauren adamsjohn adamsjohn quincy adamsmaude adams
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | England ' s industrial revolution was the vanguard of this transformation , while adam smith ' s wealth of nations was the intellectual forerunner 英国的工业革命在这个转折中起了火车头的作用,亚当斯密的论财富则充当了舆论上的先驱。 | | 2. | The importance of labor division and specialization was firstly recognized by adam smith who illustrated it in his great work - the wealth of nations 人们对分工专业化这一作用的认识始自亚当斯密的《国富论》 ,后来一些新增长理论家们完善和发展了亚当 | | 3. | On the one shelf at the library he found karl marx , ricardo , adam smith , and mill , and the abstruse formulas of the one gave no clew that the ideas of another were obsolete 在图书馆的一个书架上他发现了卡尔马克思李嘉图亚当斯密和米尔,这一家的深奥公式无法证明另一家的思想已经过时。 | | 4. | The chapter starts from a brief summary of the major points of view on the scale economies held by adam smith , karl marx , allyn young , alfred marshall and the neo - classical economists , as well as the neo - institutional economists 首先是把亚当斯密、马克思、阿林杨格、马歇尔以及新古典经济学和新制度经济学关于规模经济的论述进行了概括,揭示出规模经济的基本特征。 | | 5. | This essay conclude three chapter , i discuss fully on essential and present modality about “ adam smith problem ” , dissertate the practical conflict and oneness about selfishness and altruism , them i analyze correlation between human and market economy so as to discover the converting gist for “ adam smith problem ” 本文以“亚当斯密”问题为切入点,通过对利己与利他的现实冲突、统一性分析做以详尽讨论,试图找到“斯密”问题的当代化解。 |
- Similar Words:
- "亚当斯家族" English translation, "亚当斯礁岛" English translation, "亚当斯角" English translation, "亚当斯赖特制造公司" English translation, "亚当斯米利斯公司" English translation, "亚当斯密据以表述价值规律看不见的手" English translation, "亚当斯密贸易公司" English translation, "亚当斯切姆博什" English translation, "亚当斯山" English translation, "亚当斯氏锯" English translation