| 1. | The ultra-leftist line was a line that would have wrecked a country , ruined the people , and led to the destruction of the party and national subjugation . 极左路线是一条祸国殃民的路线,亡党亡国的路线。 |
| 2. | David1 : a traitor usually causes a country to be conquered 往往都是叛徒导致亡国。 |
| 3. | The perish of north song dynasty and power inflation 北宋亡国与权力膨胀 |
| 4. | Flightism , on the contrary , gives direct support to the theory of national subjugation 而逃跑主义,则是亡国论的直接支持者。 |
| 5. | Our enemies will succeed in bringing our country to its knees unless we join together against them 除非我们团结一致抗击敌人,否则他们将使我们亡国。 |
| 6. | After having made his share of historical epics . no palatial grandeur here , only post - palatial reality 能飞入寻常百姓家的亡国之君,可能只有溥仪梁家辉。 |
| 7. | To have doubts on this point is to be short sighted on the question of the war and is sure to lead one into the ranks of the subjugationists 在这上面发生怀疑,是战争问题上的近视眼,结果一定和亡国论者走到一伙去。 |
| 8. | I have heard him prove that diligence made more lasting acquisitions than valero , and that sloth has ruined more nations than the sowed 他亲口对我说:作战勇敢,不如勤奋获利长远;又说:懒惰足以亡国,其害甚于刀剑。 |
| 9. | Therefore , our fire should be directed mainly against them and only secondarily against the idle chatter about quick victory 所以我们的火力,应该主要地向着亡国论和妥协论方面,而以次要的火力,反对空谈主义的速胜论。 |
| 10. | Now that hsuchow has fallen and wuhan is in danger , it will not be unprofitable , i think , to knock the bottom out of the theory of national subjugation 当此徐州失守武汉紧张的时候,给这种亡国论痛驳一驳,我想不是无益的。 |