| 1. | How to purchase bonds on the otc market 如何买卖上柜债券债券交易与结算交割 |
| 2. | Settlement was scheduled for 21 january 2005 交割日期定在2005年1月21日。 |
| 3. | The time limit stipulated in a prompt note 交割期限交割通知单的时间限制 |
| 4. | The spot market is dealing two working days forward 现货市场都是t 2交易,即两天后交割。 |
| 5. | Delivery : final transfer of a security or financial instrument 交割:证券或金融工具的最终转让。 |
| 6. | Fixed maturity forward transaction 交割日固定的远期外汇交易 |
| 7. | The shipping delivery will be introduced more widely 我国期货市场船板交割方式将会得到越来越广泛的采用。 |
| 8. | Non - deliverable forwards 无本金交割远期外汇交易 |
| 9. | The goal of dvp is to achieve a simultaneous exchange of securities and payment Dvp的目标就是要实现钱券同时交割。 |
| 10. | The futures contract which matures and becomes deliverable during the present month 期货合约到期和可以交割的月份。 |