| 1. | Replacement of pabx system at wu chung house 更换胡忠大厦的专用自动电话交换系统 |
| 2. | Programm control exchanging system of de - xing copper mine 德兴铜矿程控交换系统 |
| 3. | Model and application of instant messaging system 即时消息交换系统模型研究与实现 |
| 4. | Information exchange among medical institutions based on xml 的医疗机构信息交换系统 |
| 5. | Motis message oriented text interchange system motis 面向消息的文本交换系统 |
| 6. | A . b . strowger invents the telephone switch , dial telephone 史端乔发明自动电话交换系统。 |
| 7. | Design and implementation of data exchange system based on j2ee 平台数据交换系统的设计与实现 |
| 8. | Dynamic data exchange for collaborative design based on internet 网络协同设计动态数据交换系统 |
| 9. | The rueslt of simulatiol1 is tl1e base of hardware design 3 )根据前面的结论,设计出交换系统。 |
| 10. | Design and implementation of instant message exchanging server 即时消息交换系统服务器设计与实现 |