There are different stories as to who hau wong is , but the most popular one is that he is yang liangjie , a loyal court official of the late sung dynasty 侯王诞是离岛区另一个受重视的节日。侯王究竟是何人,现时还是众说纷纭,一般指侯王是宋末忠臣杨亮节。
It was built around 1765 and is dedicated to hau wong , a loyal official in the sung dynasty ( 960 - 1279 ) called yeung liang - chieh . it is said that he died together with sung dynasty s last emperor 建于1765年前后,供奉侯王,即宋代( 960 - 1279年)忠臣杨亮节,传说他与宋代最后一位君主一同殉难。
This temple honors hau wong , also known as yang lianghie , a loyal court official of the late sung dynasty ( circa1270 s ) . a bell , put inside the temple was cast in the 38th year of kangxi ( 1699 ) 这座历史久的庙宇,供奉着侯王即宋末( 1270年)忠臣杨亮节,庙宇内存放古钟一座,铸于清朝康熙38年( 1699年) 。
This temple honors hau wong , also known as yang lianghie , a loyal court official of the late sung dynasty ( circa 1270 s ) . a bell , put inside the temple was cast in the 38th year of kangxi ( 1699 ) 这座历史久的庙宇,供奉着侯王即宋末( 1270年)忠臣杨亮节,庙宇内存放古钟一座,铸于清朝康熙38年( 1699年) 。
It has been said that the hau wong temple was built around 1730 , i . e . the 8th year of yong zheng of the qing dynasty . there are two versions of the temple s origin . first , hau wong was yang liang - jie , the little brother of queen yang of the southern sung dynasty 据说侯王古庙建于1730年前后,即清朝雍正八年,其来历传说有二,一说侯王古庙所供奉的侯王是南宋末年杨太后的弟弟杨亮节,他保护皇帝南逃九龙,护驾有功;另有说侯王古庙乃纪念一位百姓,他的魂魄曾治好南宋流亡皇帝的病患。