| 1. | He seems rather sweet upon miss amory . 他好象对艾默里小姐怪亲热的。 |
| 2. | He looked up lovingly into the beggar's face . 他以亲热的神情仰望着乞丐的面孔。 |
| 3. | They went on arm in arm, very loving together . 他们手挽着手前行,非常亲热的样子。 |
| 4. | He took my hand as an affectionate child would . 她象一个亲热的孩子那样拉着我的手。 |
| 5. | Each time he made an indecent proposal or tried to fondle them when they passed on the stairs . 他每次在楼梯上碰见他们时都要说些不三不四的话,或者做点亲热的动作。 |
| 6. | On the eve of long voyages or an absence of many years friends who are tenderly attached will separate with the usual look . 在远途航行或者将要长年分离的前夜,最亲热的朋友分手竟会神色自若。 |
| 7. | Wanda stared at him. at that moment saul bird turned and smiled-fond, friendly, an intimate smile--or was she imagining it ? 旺达凝视着他。这时,索尔伯德回过脸来笑笑-亲切地、友好地,是一种亲热的微笑,一再不然是她想象出来的吗? |
| 8. | The ease and familiarity which naturally attended these parties were exactly calculated to give increasing intimacy to his acquaintance with dashwoods . 这种集会自然具有快活,亲热的气氛,恰恰有利于他与达伍德一家人发展亲密无间的感情。 |
| 9. | It ' s not the time for intimate ? ? loosen your hand 不是亲热的时候了,放手 |
| 10. | - what ' s it like , ron ? - the intimate times -形容一下,荣-亲热的时刻吗 |