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English translation for "人性丧失"


Related Translations:
人性:  (正常的感情和理性) normal human feelings; reason 短语和例子不通人性 unfeeling and unreasonable
人性主义:  hominism
缺乏人性:  impersonality
人性看法:  view on human nature
与人性:  environment &human
泯灭人性:  destroy instinct
人性潜力:  hphuman potential
失去人性:  depersonalization
人性化:  become more fully humanhumanityhumanization
赤裸人性:  naked humanity
Example Sentences:
1.You must not lose faith in humanity . humanity is an ocean ; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty , the ocean does not become dirty
2.To share a bedroom with one of these fellows is to lose one ' s faith in human nature , for , even after the most eventful day , there is no comparing notes with them , no midnight confidence , no casting up the balance of the day ' s pleasure and pain
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