Three new members have also been appointed to the tac . they are mr charles peter mok , a company executive , ms iris tam , a town planner and an academic , dr wong sze - chun 另外有三位新委员加入交谘会,他们是行政人员莫乃光、城市规划师谭小莹及来自学术界的黄仕进博士。
The two were also utterly different in their values : the ultimate goal of the former was to hold official positions by taking imperial examinations , while the latter regarded earning money as its primary choice 价值取向也迥然有别:读书仕进是徽商的终极追求,而经商谋利是晋商的第一选择。
The paper desires to slightly discuss the social reasons of wang chongs " fate " thought formativing from superstitious social circumstance and officers chosen system controlled by privilege orders in han dynasty 作者试图从汉代迷信的社会环境和特权阶层控制的仕进制度等方面,粗略探讨王充“命”论思想以及“命”与“行”分途的人生观和世界观形成的社会原因。