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Home > chinese-english > "他怀着感激向我祝贺庆典" in English

English translation for "他怀着感激向我祝贺庆典"

with gratitude he congratulated me on the celebration

Related Translations:
怀着:  cherish; harbour; be filled with 短语和例子她怀着总有一天要当歌唱家的希望。 she cherishes a hope that she will be a singer some day. 我怀着十分矛盾的心情回到旅馆。 i went back to the hotel with very conflicting feelings in m
怀着希望:  in the hope of
怀着鬼胎:  fearful with a guilty conscience; with misgivings in one's heart; with one's heart full of evil and fear
我怀着满腔热情:  o del mio dolce ardor
怀着沉重的心情:  staring out at the rain with a heavy heart
怀着恶意瞪着:  fix with
怀着强烈的仇恨:  harbour bitter hatred
怀着他的孩子:  conceived his child kein mind
怀着深厚的感情:  with defeelings
怀着不可告人的目的:  have ulterior motives
Example Sentences:
1.With gratitude he congratulated me on the celebration
Similar Words:
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