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English translation for "他的姓氏"


Related Translations:
姓氏:  surname
姓氏桥:  clan jetty
姓氏王:  wang
姓氏法:  name act
中国姓氏:  chinese surname
家族姓氏:  family name
姓氏字典:  english surname dictionary
姓氏商标:  surname mark
日本姓氏:  japanese name
中文姓氏:  chinese surname
Example Sentences:
1.He wished above all to have a son who would bear his name when he was dead .
2.It was a cruel mockery that she should for the first time excite his animosity when she had taken his surname .
3.She said he name was michaux , that he was a mathematician
4.Huh ? that ' s his last name - - schnitzel
5.Huh ? that ' s his last name - schnitzel
6.The name of his family gives him a lot of pull in this town
7.What is life to me ? - very little without you , mother ; for believe me , but for you i should have ceased to live on the day i doubted my father and renounced his name
8.If i dwell on this point , it is because among those who will read these pages , many may already be about to throw down a book in which they fear they will see nothing but an apology for vice and prostitution , and doubtless the youth of the present author is a contributing factor in providing grounds for their fears
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