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Home > chinese-english > "他眼见得日益消瘦" in English

English translation for "他眼见得日益消瘦"

it's clear that he is getting thinner every day

Related Translations:
眼见得:  [方言] (of sth. unpleasant) be evident 短语和例子他眼见得日益消瘦。 it's clear that he is getting thinner every day
日益:  increasingly; more and more; with each passing day; day by day 短语和例子日益壮大 getting stronger day by day; 日益高涨 move from peak to peak; 日益废弛 be on the decline; be declining with every passing d
日益广泛:  increasingly extensive
日益壮大:  getting stronger day by day
日益废弛:  be declining with every passing day
日益活跃:  become increasingly activebecome more and more active
日益重要:  be increasingly importantbecome more and more important
日益昌盛:  become increasingly prosperous
日益繁荣:  become increasingly prosperousbecome more and more prosperous
日益衰落:  be on the wane
Example Sentences:
1.It 's clear that he is getting thinner every day .
Similar Words:
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